Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Oh No, Nodules!


Oh No, Nodules!

Vocal fold nodules are a singer’s worst nightmare. In the past, when nodules were discovered on the vocal folds, the primary solution was to remove them. However, it was soon discovered that once removed, they often recurred in very little time. Nodules are formed due to excess stress on a particular area of the vocal folds, commonly called a form of vocal abuse. Removing the nodule does not cure the problem. Most people continue in the same vocal habits, leading to more nodules. Even well-trained singers can develop nodules if they use their voices excessively, sing too loudly or at the outer limits of their comfortable range too frequently. Singers are not the only ones who develop nodules. They can form as a result of errant speech patterns as well. A singer is taught to sing, but one rarely receives “speaking” lessons. Speaking patterns and mannerisms are typically learned from our major caregiver as a child, and carried through life, for better or worse. Many people are surprised to learn the importance of adequate breath support, forward focus, ease of phonation, release of tension and easy onset in maintaining a healthy speaking voice. In today’s society, a low-pitched, gravelly voice is frequently the norm for many, including adolescents. Most are not even aware of the fact that they are harming their voices by the way they speak. Awareness is the first step. Fortunately, for someone diagnosed with nodules, surgery is rarely the only option, nor is it the first one considered. Vocal rest is usually recommended along with a course of voice therapy from a skilled speech-language pathologist who specializes in voice. The voice therapist will provide compensatory strategies, gentle exercises and instruction in ways to allow the breath to support the sound and produce “easy” speaking, to reduce the load on the voice. This course is usually a radical change in self-concept for the participant. Many argue that the new speaking method just “isn’t me,” expressing concerns that it will change their personality if they switch to a gentler mode of speaking. While it is true that the voice will hopefully change to something healthier, the personality need not necessarily follow suit. One can maintain personality traits without using vocally damaging speech patterns to get points across during conversation. You only have one chance at a healthy voice. Treat it gently. Avoid excessive or loud speaking, yelling, vocal fry, grunting, singing outside of your range and in general, anything that tires your voice excessively. It is much easier to prevent nodules than to treat them once they form. Take preventative action and develop healthy speaking patterns to reduce the possibility of nodules in your future. 

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